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Catalyst Chicago Magazine - News and Analysis

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Board has not saved our program they have gutted it instead

The SPPS school board has decided to remove instrumental study from the elementary school day into a two afternoon after school activity.  This effectively kills and outsources the program.  

What this means:
10.6 full time teaching positions will still be cut.
These positions will then be replaced with perhaps a 4-8 hour a week part time work.
In essence less than 1 day of teaching per week when their used to be five full days.

How can the Board say its continuing the itinerant music program and yet not retain its teachers?
The reduced SPPS Staff will simply have to look elsewhere for full time jobs.
The after school programs will go to either other SPPS teachers as additional work or to outside contractors.

Isn't music still in the schools?
It may be but it is no longer central to students education or school experience.  
Few elementary schools have classroom music. 

Won't there be greater access to music for our kids? The school superintendent said so? 
Cutting a program by approximately 80%  cannot improve access.
Rather, it is severely diminished.  

To call a new after school program connected to ALC the "itinerant  music program" is misleading and as proposed untrue.

Why these cuts are bad:
The experiment to turn elementary schools into learning factories has no scientific basis only a financial one.
There is no evidence that this procedure will improve test scores or help schools reach AYP.

A School is more than test scores!
Bring the Itinerant Music Teachers Back! 

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